“The Garden Walk Bouquet by FTD is an exquisite expression of natural beauty and grace. Assorted lavender roses, rich red roses, purple stock and lush greens have a fresh look of floral elegance presented in a modern clear glass vase to create a sweet sentiment ideal to celebrate any of life’s special moments.
- Brand:FTD
- Feature:We guarantee fresh, beautiful floral arrangements and plants that will last at least seven days.
- Feature:Items are beautifully hand arranged and delivered by an FTD Florist or by FedEx or UPS.
- Feature:Substitutions may be necessary to ensure gift is delivered in a timely manner.
- Feature:Expedited delivery available for orders placed by 1 p.m. Eastern.
- Feature:All gifts include a complimentary personalized message.
- Label:FTD
- Manufacturer:FTD
- ProductGroup:Single Detail Page Misc
- ProductTypeName:FLOWERS
- Publisher:FTD
- Studio:FTD
- Title:Garden Walk Bouquet – VASE INCLUDED – 21 Strems